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Información básica sobre Protección de Datos


Finalidad:        a) Realizar la reserva.

b) Envío la información solicitada.

c) Envío de información y prospección comercial.*

Legitimación:  Por consentimiento del interesado

Destinatarios:  No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal.

Derechos:       Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional.

Ubicación:      Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos solicitándoselo a nuestro personal, puede solicitar copia al correo electrónico

For the purposes allowed under Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5th, on the Protection of Personal Data, CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA, Fiscal Identification Number: A08881385 your data will be stored and processed in order to provide the requested services and send you information about our company that may be of interest to you.


The provision of personal data is mandatory in order to be able to contact CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA and receive information about the services they provide

Any failure to provide the requested personal data, or failure to accept this data protection policy as a whole, will therefore prevent subscription, registration or receipt of information about such services.

In accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5th, on the Protection of Personal Data, we hereby inform you that the personal data you provide to us will be processed by CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA at PUERTO DEPORTIVO 18 - MASNOU - 08320, BARCELONA , and will be protected by the proper implemention of the security measures established in the Royal Decree 1720/2007.

Accuracy and truthfulness of the data provided.

The User who provides personal information to CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data included, exonerating CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA of any responsibility in this regard.

Users undertake to guarantee, and be answerable for, the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, under all circumstances, and will be responsible for keeping them properly updated. The User agrees to provide complete and correct information when filling in the registration or subscription form.

CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA is not answerable for the veracity of any information which it has not created or compiled, or which is derived from external sources. Neither will it assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that could originate through the use of such information.

CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA is therefore extent of responsibility for any loss or damage that the User may suffer as a result of errors, faults or omissions in the information provided by CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA when such information comes from sources other than CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA

Transfer of data to third parties.

CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA will not transfer personal data to third parties. However, in the case of a request for the provision of data to a third party, prior information would be obtained and the express consent of the affected party sought pursuant to Art. 6 LOPD.

Exercise of rights.

You can exercise your rights as follows at all times:

You can exercise your right of access to, rectification of, deletion of and opposition to your data, limit or directly oppose it being processed, or exercise your right to data portability. This must be put in writing, accompanied by a copy of your official identity document, and addressed to CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA- CIF: A08881385, Postal Address: PUERTO DEPORTIVO 18- Location: MASNOU- Postcode: 08320 - BARCELONA, or sent to:  via email.

In case of any disagreement with the processing of your data, you also have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. You may prevent or stop business or marketing information being sent to you (as outlined in Art.21.2 of the LSSI) by emailing: and putting UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

You can consult FURTHER INFORMATION on Data Protection on request, by asking our staff directly or by emailing putting FURTHER INFORMATION in the subject line.

Acceptance and Consent.

The User declares that he/she has been informed of the conditions laid out applying to personal data protection, and that he/she has accepted and consented to the processing of their personal data by (CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA), in the manner, and for the purposes, indicated in this Personal Information Protection Policy.


CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA. reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as to industry practices. In such cases, CHARCUTERIAS COLOMA SA will announce the changes to be introduced well in advance, with a reasonable timeframe for their proper implementation, on this page.

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